Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 2012

These pictures aren't the best because I hijacked them from my facebook but I didn't want to put another post on here without pictures!  The one below is hilarious!  My favorite boys.  And for the record, my boys decorated their own faces and studmuffins mama did his   :)   Again, I wanna squeeze him! 
and the picture below is Lizard Lick Towing.......Wyatt said "You ain't taking my truck!"
p.s. they didn't drive around with him in there   :)

This was taken on a very cold nite (we've not had many of those at all this year) and the girls were up visiting on the back porch while we were grilling (chicken nonetheless) and they stayed a little too late and had to roost on the baker's rack.  Funny girls!

One Saturday, the boys (map, Jake and Ben) decided to go fishing with Mitchell (map's dad).
I was a little bored so I decided to make a german chocolate cake (from scratch) and get my dad to help me tear out a part of the laundry room so I could add some shelving for storage........halfway through, this is what happened   :(  yeah, I felt like a dog!  He pushed a board AND his finger into a table SAW! Shatterd the bone on the tip and just messed it up pretty bad. Went to the e.r. but there was nothing they could do....just wait.....and let it heal.....Saturday will be 4 weeks and it's still healing.... 

One of the best things about living in the country is that you learn to do really cool stuff at a young learning to drive pa's new tractor    :)

and here's Ben with pa......the beginner   :)

here we have a picture that makes me smile everytime I look at it   :)   I booked my and Map's flight to Texas to go see Christy.  OMG! I can't believe I am FLYING to TEXAS!!!  In March......only 34 days away!  I am SOOOOOO excited...we all are! I have never been on a large plane (but always wanted to), I have never been any further west than the Alabama line, I have never been away from my kids for four goodness!  This is gonna be another busy and AWESOME year!!!  Did I mention how excited I am!?

also, I'm havin another craving for some homemade cinnamon rolls........

AND SWEET TEA with lemon?

and I forgot to mention how crazy the weather is! I saw a picture on facebook where Calhoun's strawberries are ALREADY being picked!!! They're usually not ready until mid to late March!!!  What's up with that!?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!

Boy am I ever happy for December to be outta here!  Now things can get back to normal....if there is such a thing around here.
December was a whirlwind. We finished up our homeschool group for the year by makin ginger bread houses. That nite my mother in law was admitted into the hospital in Ocilla and then later that nite she was taken to Albany to Phoebe Putney. She had become septic and was in and out of it....she couldn't really respond too much and was fightin a tough battle....Michael went to be with her everyday after work for two straight weeks and I tried to go most of those days....she passed away on December 17th...the last people that were with her before she went were her son, daughter and ex husband.....she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.....I truely believe she was waiting on Mitchell (her ex-husband) to come see her.  Their life story is long and bittersweet. Ms. Sue was laid to rest on December 20th and I never thought we were anywhere close to having to say goodbye to any of our many things about life are so unexpected.
They only sure and expected thing is that she has no more problems that she suffered with (but never complained about) here on earth  :) Ms. Sue had a very strong faith in God and she knew her day was comin and it did :)
In between all of that, we had Ben's 8th!!! birthday and then many of our Christmas gatherings.
Then two days before New Year's Eve, Ben got sick.....and has been sick ever since!!! He has thrown up more the last week than he has his whole life and has gotten dehydrated. We've been doin everything possible to not have to put him in the hospital! It's been aweful and I feel so bad for him but I think maybe we are turning around today  :)  keep your fingers crossed! 
Anyway, Happy New Year!
Confirmed our BEACH reservations for May and July on this COLD BLISTERING day!!!
Now that makes us happy!!!