Sunday, July 19, 2009

continued, cause computers are stupid!!!

this whole entry is all out of whack!!!! sorry. may want to try startin from the bottom and that may make more sense!!?? i hate computers!!!!!! aagggghhhhhh!!!
we took a day trip to PC because all it seemed to want to do for the past 3 days was rain off and on alll day!!!!! we were tired of dodging rain and sharp bolts of off we went! still couldn't get in the water cause it was just oo rough!!! didn't need any drownings!!
see spot dig.

ahhhhhhh.......the pictures we will take with our babes!!! i would've never even let a picture like this cross mind 15 years ago!!! i absolutely LOVE what bein a mom has done to me!!! and i love this picture.
she found her a spot to model and then did her thang!! ms. brownie!! her eyes were the color of the water.....i wish they would have showed up little more!
and then she decided it was time for a nap...on the beach....for two hours!!!!! so i made her her own cabanna!! a lounge chair turned upside down and a big beach towel over the top to shield the sun. put her on a float covered w/ a towel and she was out!!! could she be any more beautiful??
jake tried his hand at skim boarding, but he needed a few more days to practice....i felt that i could have showed him "the right way to do it" bbuuuutttttttttt, since i don't need to be layed up in the hospital in a FULL BODY cast, i declined and told him he'd get the hang of it!!all the beachman benjamin wanted to do was fish and dig in the sand with his new shovel!!

funfilled summer!!!!!

she is the modleinist little girl i have ever seen!!! everytime i took out my camera she was like "hold up! i gotta get my pose on". and the little orange wings ...well, they are a little much, but she kept them on cause she said she worked in the ocean...she was a mermaid! silly chic!

we stayed in the second little skinny minnie named " Above the Stars" . it was quiet nice and it fit 12 people. the five of us stayed in a room w/ a bunk bed...a twin bed and we pushed the two together and all slept on what made a king size bed. and we had our own bathroom. it was really nice.

they are waiting so patiently to get out there in that sand. they had too much fun!!

wow!!! it is so strange how time flies when you're have SO MUCH FUN!!!! it almost isn't fair!!!

well, since i last wrote, my family and i have been to and returned from the beach. we went to st. george island, florida.......the kids for a whole week and 2 days and me for an entire week....well 6 days?? the longest vacation i have EVER had i think!!! and i actually wasn't ready to come home!!!!

i went down w/ my inlaws on sunday (my kids were already there w/ my folks) and got my babes, and MAP came after work on tuesday. that was weird cause i have never been the one to leave in our whole 10 1/2 years of marriage.... he was always the one leavin goin on trips and such...i actually felt guilty...but it was soooo nice!!!

i am not gonna write too much but i will add lots of pictures. my kids had sooo much fun! it had been 2 years since we had beed to the beach so they were all more than big enough to have lots of fun!! amd they passed the "lookin like a blonde headed mexican" stage right into the "lookin like a little blonde headed latino" stage. they tan so prettily (that is my new word).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

a week later!!!

well, here i am a whole week later!!! a lot has been going on but i have had no time to write about it!! had to babysit another child...10 year old... invincible, know everything, can do anything 10 year old.....are they all like that?? cause i am really in for it if they are!! anyway, been trying to keep peace between the "only child" and my three. can you say definate conflict? we pulled through. and next week we are back to our routine..."the norm"
baby girl has started hackin her head off!! dr. twice this week. coughed so hard and violent she broke blood vessels in her little face! they just appeared as little red dots (which her father said was the mumps!?).WHATEVER! anyway, she is fine.

the boys decided to go campin in the 200 degree heat w/ my folks! can you say heat stroke? mama said all they wanted to do was ride bikes! we are goin up w/ girl baby in a bit and hopefully they will lpossibly want to come home!? doubtful. i did get a picture from mom that pretty much told me they had had enough of the heat and went see uncle justin at work......they love his jobs!! can you tell??? they want to be just like him when they grow up! tata for now!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

haircuts and cavities.....

thursday my baby girl got her first "big girl" haircut! she even got to sit in the "big girl" chair to get her hair washed.
our "hair girl" lori always says the word "hottie", so now rivers calls herself a "hottie"!
well, i guess if you're like me and always "expect the worst and hope for the best" things always seem to be less stressful.?
i didn't cry at the salon when she got her first "big girl haircut", although i did have to keep looking away. she loved it! she flipped that hair and bounced it all around. she is a mess!!

after we left the salon, we took jake to the dentist..the dreadded dentist!! no one said anything about shots or needles or anything that could cause chaos ( we already have enough of that!!). from the way ben did when he got a cavity filled and got "the shot", i figured jake would never even know he had gotton one either! the dentist we go to is soooo great with kids! they have a way of "hiding" and "explaining" that kids usually don't have a clue about what's goin on! now if only i could find a dentist like that for me! jake did great! even after it was over and i asked him if he knew he got a shot, he didn't even believe me! things couldn't have gone any better and we were in and out in 30 minutes or less!!!! for a filling! see, "expect the worst and hope for the best!!!"

the day turned out to be pretty great and i'm starting to get excited about the beach next month. we are gonna have so much fun with the kids! i've been checking in to going to shell island. the water is beautiful and you can swim with the dolphins. i really believe the kids would love it and i know for sure their mom would...and probably dad, too!

yesterday we went to the pool around 11 and stayed out there til, well, hmmmm. too long!!! the kids were in and out so it wasn't so bad on them, but i stayed out pretty much the whole time. we came home around 3:30!! ouch! literally! even with no clothes, i look like i am wearing a white bathing suit! i got burnt, and i don't burn!!! my kids look like blonde headed mexicans! they tan so prettily! i wish i could take a naked picture of them from the back just so you could see how tan they are......but then i'd get locked up for postin pix of naked kids on the internet! they are so precious! well, today has been a warm one already so maybe if the sun doesn't shine so brightly i'll go back to the pool. maybe i'll just sun my legs. my back is what got it yesterday. well, toodles for now!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i just had to add this picture in.
ben loves cows like he loveS fishing and airplanes. everytime we drive by a field w/ lots of cows standing by the fence, ben will yell "HEY BEN'S FRIENDS!!"

this was a small letterbox! it had a donald duck stamp in it!
and the one below was in the park and it was placed by "steel magnolia"
we got eat up by misquitos so we had to be quick and sneaky!!

well, the day didn't go completely as planned. it started off the same; got berries picked, got them delivered, headed to tifton with picnic in tow and then things started to change a little. i had a dull headache since i got up and it only got worse.
i couldn't catch up w/ my friend to go swim (she has three kids, too, not sure why we couldn't hook up?? haha)

so the kids and i went to look for letterboxes. we found two. this time i gave the clues to jake and ben and let them look for them. they were both really easy to find. one was under the stairwell at a motel and the other in a thick bush beside a magnolia tree in the park. i'm ready to look for some more and we're also ready to make one of my own!!! i already have a great spot for it!! looking for them when we go to the beach is gonna be lots of fun, too.

before we went on our little hunting adventure we stopped by the dollar tree (gotta love that store!!) we got new coloing books for the babes (and me too, they absolutely love it when you do something as simple as color with them) ((ben asked me today if when he dies one day, can he take his color crayons and books with him!!! how sweet is that??)) anyway, they also got some stamp kits that included a stamp book, ink pad, stickers, and like 8 cute little stamps!!! for only $1!! went to get back in the car and i cracked rivers in the face w/ the corner of the door and she let out a scream! not an i'm pi$$** scream...she was injured!!! i felt so bad cause i knew when it happened that it hurt and now she has a bruise on her face. i'm a child abruiser!! loved her and said the word "park" and we were good to go!

i got cute pictures of our little adventures today and i hope some of you will check this letterboxing out. i can't believe we never heard of it til now! well, ttyl!! we'll have some interesting stuff to talk about tomorrow...first haircut for the queen, dentist appt. for the BIG baby (jake), and a few errands. should be fun! as long as no headache presents itself. think i'll just take myself to the emergency room and tell them to admit me!


i also noticed this: obviously last nite when MAP got the boys out of the tub,
he couldn't find BOTH sets of scooby doo pj's... and who says they can't
actually i wanna say jake may have had on the whole thing when he went to bed last nite...soooo i'm not sure how this happened!!!
anyway, we are off to sell a few blueberries and then we are headed to tifton to visit some friends and play at the pool! oh, and PICNIC of course!!! i'm gonna take my good camera so i'll post some good pictures when i get back!!! have a good day everyone!!

7:30 wednesday morn!?

why in the world am i up at 7:30 on a wednesday morning during summer vacation you ask?
well, take a look at the picture and you'll see just one of the cutest reasons
i don't mind having to roll out of bed that early!!! SERIOUSLY, can it get a whole lot cuter than this???
and then of course you'll notice the two other little heads popped out from under the covers over there! they are still fast and hard asleep!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

beginners cake class and letterboxing!!

i am back from my "beginners cake decorating class" and i must say, it truely is for beginners! i think i am wasting my money! oh well, maybe i can learn to make a pretty rose? although the way the instructor talked, with all the humidity down here, the roses in the summertime are gonna look like they need a good watering!!! we decorated iced cookies she had brought from the bakery and she had icing made up already! yummy!!!! she really needs to give me the recipe before i beat her down! anyway, doesn't matter. i was sure to take pictures of my last few cake projects ( i was curious as to know how much she might charge for them) and she didn't act too impressed but again...who cares! maybe next week will be funner! ? is that a word? funner? whatever!

okay on to the next topic...letterboxing.... anyone ever heard of it?? i haven't until tonight... it's too much to explain so go to and read up on it yourself. it's really cool and a good way to spend some fun outdoor time with your kids! or your honey! my honey wasn't too interested til he actually saw me pull the box from its hiding spot (which was a very good one i might add!!) it was at the very back of a shady part (and i don't mean "hey the sun is out but we are under a big bushy tree" shady. i mean "hey, is that a drug deal goin down over there?" shady!!) part of a cemetary.he thought i had gone completely crazy and of course i decided to go off on this wild adventure as close to dusk as you could possibly get! PTL we all made it home safely and the boys are ready for their next hunt. we may try to do this in some of the towns on the way down to the beach next month. there are a lot of boxes hidden between here and there. and where we are gonna be. be sure and take a look at my picture. the boys are in the process of putting our "first letterbox find" back in its hiding spot. let me know if any of you are in to this and what you think about it!! toodles for now!

monday! monday! whatever!

well well, it is monday already!

i have had somewhat of a productive day already considering my monthly friend is here again ALREADY!! i curse it ! curse it i say!
FYI to alllll the women out there....after you are done having babies, DO NOT i repeat DO NOT have your tubes tied!!! i would rather have another baby than go through what i am right now!!! anyway, on to better topics...
i rolled out this morning and decided to high tail it to the blueberry patch before it got too hot. i already had some promised out to the ladies at the local bank and i didn't have enough picked to go around. i've got to get back out there...but as i said above, i have other problems.....anyway, there'll be plenty out there tomorrow and i'll be on 'em!!
i think in the future this will be a good way for the kids to make some spending money during the summer. you can pick gallons on top of gallons in no time and then when you go to town, all you have to do is just show them to people and they snatch them up! the super w is sellin them for almost $3 for 1/2 a pint!!!!! that is just highway robbery if you ask me! talk about price gauging! it would cost around $35 to buy as much as i sell for $15!! wrong i say!!
so after me and the three chillins delivered the berries, we were off to sign me up for my cake class tonite!!! i am really excited! i got to glance at the list of names and there were like 15 people signed up!!! okay ladies, there ain't enough room in this town for us to all be tryin to sell cakes!!! i'm just lettin ya know now, ya better "bring it"! you can take one look at me and see i don't cook ANYTHING that's not good!!!
i love love love to cook!!! that's all i know how to do...well, except that and have babies!!! and ya can't make money havin' babies! i also can "do flowers". i worked in flower shops all my working life up until i had jake p. and that was 7 years ago, although i did help out here and there in one shop til the owners got tired of me having to attend to my children. i.e. when i had to take them to the dr. didn't have a sitter, stuff like that. they didn't have kids so they were no where near understanding what it was like. the way i see it, i was doing them a favor, because you can't just grab someone off the street and them be capable of what i am. i know, i know, sound a little conceited do i? well, when you know you're good, why not say it! I AM GOOD AT FLORAL DESIGNING AND COOKING AND I KNOW IT!!! there!
hopefully soon i will be good at decorating cakes. i hope to learn to make beautiful wedding, birthday, and specialty home of course whilst i am homeschooling my kids! maybe one of them will pick up the baking gene ! ya know, most of the cooks, chefs and cake decorators on tv ARE men! and they are married to and have kids w/ beautiful women! my new favorite tv show is cake boss! it's awesome! i also like duff, but he puts a little too much hardware into his stuff.
well, guess i should go and get ready for my starts at 4:30 and i have to prepare MAP for the 3 hours he is gonna be alone w/ the babes!!! i should have some interesting things to tell about after i get home..... maybe i'll let him get on here and write!

toodles for now!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

good for you food

don't you just love it when your kids eat good food? and isn't it even better when you don't have to hog tie them to get them to eat it?? tonite when we cam in from the the blueberry patch, it was after dark! the kids were filthy thanks to the recent rains that saturated the garden out back and i still had to find something for dinner! GREAT! i bought a variety of fresh fruit last week at the super w and it was still in the fridge so i decided i would try it! on them! for dinner!? WHAT? MAP got them in the tub and scrubbed...and scrubbed...and scrubbed a little more and after about the 3rd bar of soap they were sparkley clean and smelled like blue raspberries! while he had them in the tub, i had peeled and chopped bartlett pears, skint the nectarines and made them bite size, and halved the grapes. along w/ this i added sliced ham, ritz crackers, and to throw them off, i split a small bag of fruit gummies amongst the three of them. as you can see in the pictures, dinner was a hit!!! i love my babies and they are the best kids i could EVER ask for!!! time to get them to bed! PS. to make you all a little more jealous....they actually LIKE going to bed!! toodles!

the olden days

do any of you wish you could live in the olden days? when things seemed to be much more simple and less chaotic? when the pace of life was much slower? and of course things were made better?
i am very eclectic and when you walk into my house you see it for sure! my sofa no longer matches my love seat because i found a slipcover at the thrift store that i absolutely adore, and none of the wood pieces of furniture are the same color. i have docorative things sitting here and there that don't have anything in common... except that i like each and every one of them!
i love going to yard sales (but it's not that often 'cause of the wee ones taggin along and thinking they have to bring home all that they can get in the vehicle) to look for the rare finds that only special people with a "vision" can appreciate.
my mom and dad went yard salin' yesterday, and for beginners, they found some pretty good stuff. my mom found a neat little iron end table and she got me a beach umbrella w/ a sand anchor ( i had actually mentioned that i need to get some of these for when we go to the beach next month). she also got 2 white barstools that i am gonna chop the legs halfway off of to put at my kids new art/ school table (i homeschool my chillins', but that is another post so we won't go there right now)..well, it's new to us , but actually an old short antique table. it's also white and distressed looking and i think it's absolutely the perfect table. sometimes when i look at my antique stuff i wonder what it was used for or where it was at in its owners home, when they got it brand new. anyway, i just started pondering this morning.
hey, good news ! the sun is out!!! wow! although, it was raining earlier. oh, well. toodles for now. and PS. tell me about your favorite pieces of antique furniture and where it's at and what it's used for! i love to hear from other people with a "vision".

Saturday, June 6, 2009

clothes pins

holy crap!! i swear, when i say that things just ARE NOT made the way the used to be, i go all the way down to clothes pins!!!!!! i just got in from "trying" to hang a few things on the line and i do believe i sprung, popped, broke more pins than was needed to hang the few articles of clothing i had!!! i wanted to scream!!! i did cut my electric bill in half last month by cutting down on the dryer and having a timer on the water heater! take that irwin emc! anyway, just minutes before the sun came back out (for like the 10th time today) you can look at the picture that i posted to see what i saw on my front porch trying to slip up to grandma's house!! she dressed pool attire minus the shoes! she is too cute!

the weather down here

  • ms. scahlet, i do think i see sun out theya!!
  • this has been the weirdest year of weather i have EVER seen in my whole 32 years of walking this great earth!!!
  • i say i hope it stays sunny so i can work on my and the kiddies tanning so we don't get so burned when we go to the beach next month, but it sure gets mighty hot out there in the south georgia sun! and the humidity ......well, it's like trying to breath through a plastic bag wrapped in duct tape!!! the air is very thick!!!
  • i hear people from out west talk about 110* temps and they say it's "dry heat"? not sure about that...but i bet that is one heck of a sunburn!!!

i am sitting here looking out the window at my poor little butterbean patch that seems to have been planted in the wetlands. it wasn't that way when it was planted, but then of course the great floods came! now they are a lime green, yellowy green, not the right color green for butterbeans....i believe they should be a nice dark green color. oh, well.. the blueberries are are beautiful shade of pinks, purples, blues and some are still green!!

i am really needin to get out to the pool , but the queen hasn't awoken from her nap yet, and heaven knows you do not wake that one before she has waken herself!!! the rest of your day is shot!!! oh, well, the boys are at moms so i have quiet time...??? not quiet sure what to do with that. so here i am . honey (aka ~ MAP, short for michael alan perry) should be home very soon. he was lucky enough to get to work today being that his hours were cut from 65 a week to a depressing 35! now he has like 43 ...yay! never thought i would be so excited about him actually getting 43 hours in a week! not really sure what we are gonna do if it keeps up this wasy. i don't know what any of the country is ginna do if workplaces keep closing their doors... as long as our leaders keep sending jobs to countries that will do the work cheaper, we are in somewhat of a bind. these people need to understand that it is not all about the money. we are gonna be like the very poverty stricken countries we see on tv if things keeps progressing like they are! i will not worry, wel will survive..... i have never had tons of money, so i can get along w/out it, but those who have always had it, are the ones it will hit hard.........although they seem to think that they can take the easy way out by killing themselves! they seriously need to "get God"! he will not put upon us more than we can handle. sometimes i forget this, but there are so many out there that have never gotten it.

well, i'll go for now. be back later i'm sure...the day is still young!!

i'mmmmm baaaaccccckkkkkk!!!

well here i am again!!! where have i been??? i have three kids and my husbands hours have been cut at work and i have been trying to find myself odd jobs to make some extra money! i have started making cakes (of all kinds) and i have started picking my blueberries and selling them.... oh, and helping my mom with some of the houses she cleans. all while being a stay at home mom?
i am signed up for a beginners cake decorating class at the local college starting monday nite and i am rather excited. that means 3 hours of quiet time for me! oh my! whatever will i do with myself??? hopefully this will help me out on my little cake making endeavour. anyway, i have added pictures of my latest work. maybe this time i can keep up w/ the blogging world. so many interesting things happen in my life that i would like to share...and should share. some have been funny, some pittiful, many mind boggeling but what else could it be when you have three kids under the age of 7!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hey sarah, beat this!!!

i have been meaning to put this picture on here, and since Sarah (my wicked sister-in-law) wrote all over her blog about her "surprise" valentine's weekend, i thought this would be the perfect time to post this freezing, cold, blistering morning on our (me and the babes) mad dash out the door to school, this is what i found when i opened the back door!!! all together now...aaawwwwwwww! MAP said he put it out there the nite before! sometimes he can be romantic..i hate that word. it's so soapoperaish!

another week

well i thought i just may try a different color.....that bold at the beginning made me feel fat!!! so here we are skinny!! i haven't been on here since valentine's weekend...i have been busy! so now i am gonna have to write yet another book to get it all in!!! first off, i LOVE LOVE LOVE my new stove/range. although i have yet to get the blinds that i almost killed my husband over. i WILL get them!! Rivers was in a pageant this weekend... and won!!!! it was probably her last pageant though. lots of things are done and go on that i absolutely DO NOT agree w/. from the beginning when i saw how the girls are "made up" and dressed, i said i would not do that to Rivers, and i didn't. i didn't spend $500 on a dress, i didn't put on more than powder, lip gloss and what little mascara i could get her to sit still for, and that was still too much if you ask me! i paid $50 for a dress from the second hand store that was not even comparable to the "new age" dress, so i revamped it to the point i absolutely loved it and it would be the dress (she would either win or loose) in all pageants she would be in. she loved it cause it sparkled and it was pink...if you ask me it was "Rivers". well, another of my opinions that i believe is: if you go and try to add to natural beauty, you just mess it up. and when i went adding makeup to Rivers, well, i just shouldn't have done it. anyway, i was waiting for a pageant to come up where it stated it was natural and absolutely no makeup was to be worn by any girls under the age of 7. well, this past sunday was the day for us, cause that is exactly what kind of pageant it was!!!! not one touch of makeup was put on my baby girl and not one strand of fake hair was on her head!!!!! Rivers won prettiest hair, most photogenic AND she was the queen!!!!! she glowed when she saw they were putting a crown on her head!!!! she loves pageants but she doesn't have to do them. we may do natural pageants in the future (they are scarce) but no more GLITZ! that is my new "i am sick of hearing the word" word!! GLITZ! uugggghhhhhh! i found some pictures of other girls that are in pageants and it is really sad at what the moms do to the girls. the before and after pictures are unbelievable. well, enough of that!
yesterday Jake, Rivers, and I accompanied Ben's pre-k class to the goat farm!!! who would have thought you could spend 3 hours at a goat farm and not be ready to come home!! baby goats are so cute!! and let me say, there were lots and lots of baby goats there!! the kids had bundles of fun!! we even got to talk about marijuana!! not really! they had a boykin? spaniel out there they were training to be a drug dog. the officer had a bag of marijuana and it was hidden in a large grass field and the puppy went all over sniffing and finally he went to the drugs and sat down on it!!!!! that was too cool!! after a sack lunch and potty breaks behind the horse wagon, we headed home. it has been a fun week so far, and we are so looking forwasd to the warm weather coming this weekend...and then of course comes the cold again!!!! sick of it!!!!!!! as ms. priss says"toodles"!!BYE

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's weekend

well, not a whole lot has been goin' on around here...this past weeekend, my folks went a campin, and MAP had the weekend off. we were gonna take the boys and girl to the little grand canyon, and the rainy, nasty lookin' weather scared us away! sooooo the boys ended up a campin' also. MAP and i drove w/ the girl baby up to lake blackshear fri. nite and stopped @ cracker barrel ( @ the request of the girl baby) and got grilled ckn. salads (mommy's fav.) and some other fixins' to go w/ steak!!! YUM!!
went to eat and then headed home. good nites sleep, but woke too early cause there were no kids around! got up and went to albany in search of a new stove/oven/range..whatever you wanna call it, and some plantation shutters that are loooonnnnggg overdue! MAP and i almost killed each other (more me wanting to wrap my heands around his neck, or simply sling my beloved cast iron skillet at his head) just trying to come to an agreement on how to measure for the blinds!!! he wanted to come to "an agreement"? how can you come to an agreement when there are two people? i said my way was right, and he said his way was right!!! no medium there. i was not doing it the way he said...the difficult way. get to lowes ...had to use my measurements....DID NOT get any blinds...he will go w/ my father to get the blinds and they will be right!!!!! found a range/stove/oven what ever! hidden element in the botton OMG easy cleanup! ceramic glass top OMG easy cleanup! will go by tomorrow to pay for it and MAP will p/u and bring it home. anyone wanna guess what the argument tomorrow will be about??? how to put in a stove/range/oven!!! went back to the ;ake to hang out and visit in the cold and again nasty weather. came home alone again...except w/ girl baby! stopped by rite aid to get a last minute v'day card for MAP and ran in to some friends that suggested we go eat at shoney's for dinner. holy cow!!! 2 ribeyes cooked to perfection( mine hardly warmed), salads, potatoes, drinks, AND CHEESECAKE for dessert!!!! $22.00! beat that!! this was the FIRST EVER Valentine's dinner that MAP and i had gone out to on Valentine's nite! EVER!!turned in early again and then got up early early and went to spend too mush on groceries at walmart. jake loves to tell his g'ma to "look at all our food" when i shop like that! it isn't very often cause i usually go every week instead of wait til we are out of everything!!! i hate to go to walmart and have to spend $300 at one time on FOOD!!!!! i usually do around $75 ~ $100 a week. doesn't seem so bad that way. oh, well, Jake will have a very large selection of breakfast lunch and dinner choices for the next few weeks!!! ggrrrrhhhhh!
anyway, i gotta go turn the snoring bear over before he wakes the household! the walls are startin to shake!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

little Ben sick again!

well, it has been a good week so far......not much happening except the norm......if there is a norm! bible study today, Ben went also so i could take him to the doctor....that cough is stilll around. he just cannot kick it!! we are trying..he came in to our room a few minutes ago and grinned and said " i true up" poor puppy. i heard him coughing!! he is now in our bed!? wonder if that is the last time for the night!? nothing like waking up to PUKE! he can't help it, so that makes it not so bad, if there is such a thing . anyway, hopefully he'll be okay at school tomorrow. i am stillllll ready for the summer. everything seems to be pretty well in the summer....although las tyear the week after school got out, Jake landed in the hospital w/ something for a WHOLE week!! fun fun fun! but even more faun was Rivers in there the very next week w/ the very dame thing!!! that got the summer of to a swell start. Luckily mr. Ben slid by. well, that has been the highlight for the beginning of the week. i am supposed to get my hair "did" friday..i hope. i always look forward to that. 2 hours all to me w/out the kids. that is all i need after a long frustrating week, but so far so good. man i wish he'd stop coughing. i don't know how he sleeps. i feel so bad for him. he'll stop coughing completly in a little while. well, he usually does anyway. i better go get some sleep just in case i am on "puke duty" tonight!! gotta love it!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

new week

well, it has been a couple days......not much interesting has happened....yesterday mr. Ben had a 5 year ckup...all is well PTL!!! hole in the eye caused by a tinker toy has healed......PTL, again. no other problems ......well, he did get two inhalers for his coughing...seems to be asthmatic? if that makes any sense??? anyway, today Rivers was flowergirl in my cousins wedding, and the boys stayed home w/ my people and went chasing smoke clouds....Ben informed my mom that if our neighbors caught our other neighbors' house on fire that "ms. maria was gonna beat the holy hell out of them"????? i absolutely DO NOT know where he came up w/ that from!!!! i HAVE NEVER said "holy hell"!! you never know w/ Jake and Ben, what will come out of their mouthes next. i hate to say i laughed when i heard what he said, but it just catches you the right? way? it has been a long week!!! i will not say at the beginning of this coming week that i am ready to get it goin!!! sure hope tomorrow will be as pretty as today!!! God Bless you alllllll!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

i definately smell a beach trip comin'

man is it ever cold out today!!!!! i, like my best friend, am dreaming of warm sand between my toes!!! i would like to be sweating right about now, and i would'nt even mind swatting away a few gnats!!!! anything but this cold!!! next week for my bible study class on tuesday, since it is the week of valentines, i am gonna make pound cake loaves, and HOMEMADE whipped cream, along w/ fresh strawberries and sugar!!! i can't wait!!! the girls do not know what they are in for!!!!! you can't live in the south and NOT like poundcake!!! especially mine!!! my best friend re~named it "TON cake"!!! i, like my other friend tresure, LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook (although i have not yet been lucky enough to meet paula!!)....i really like to cook for large crowds! anyway, not much has been going on this week. i finally got the carpet dry and am visioning how the boys' bathroom will look after the remodle. we are definately taking the sink OUT (including the massive cabinet that it sits on) and we're getting a pedistal sink. more room, less mess? a fresh coat of paint~ probably a pretty, calmimg blue color? i am hoping to get Rivers her own bathroom in the next year or so. it is sooo wrong for a little girl to have to share a bathroom w/ two older brothers!! well, let me go get middle man from school. i can't wait to get him!!! i stoppped by his nana and papa's house while in tifton today and his papa had gotten him some fishing tackle!!!! you have to know Ben! i guarantee you'll NEVER come across another little boy that likes to fish more than Ben! there are probably a lot of grown men out there that Ben can outfish. he amazes me. seriously. ask his teachers. for martin luther king day at school, the kids had to color a picture and fill in the blank "i have a dream_________". well, Ben had them write in " i have a dream that i am gonna go fishing." it is ALL ABOUT FISHING. and you have no idea how excited he is gonna be when i give him the tackle!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

just a note

also i would like to add.....i am a busy woman w/ three small children, so forgive me when i spell things wrong!!.....i know how to spell, but i try to get things done as quick as possible, and i DO NOT have time to spell all know what i meant anyway!!! hope this is not too boring for you.

the beginning

well, here goes!!! a good friend of mine suggested i do this, so it goes!!! many people have said i should have started a book about the interesting things that have happened since i had children. you could make milllllions from your stories they said........I AGREE!!!!! my life has been a whirlwind since january 19th of 2002...the day before Jake~my 7yr. old~was born! couple years later came Ben~my 5 yr. old~ and then Rivers Marie, the queen of queens was born just 2 1/2 years later!!!! things rolled pretty smoothe w/ the first, except for his large 10 1/2 lb. self! when Ben got here is when all the real fun began!!! swallowing pennies that would not come out, and then coding when the doctors went in to get it, stating first that only 1 in 100 will stop breathing when they go down their throat! guess what???? Ben was the winner!!! he fell out of a chair onto a hardwood floor and got a gushy tomato spot on his little head only to find out from the ct scan that he was missing the very center of his brain!!!!! doesn't matter though and we wouldn't have know unless this happened!! many more interesting things happened and i got to go tot the er for the first time in my life after i had boys....still no rides in an ambulance!!! PTL!!! wait, no, did i mention the day that the queen decided to make her mother keel over???? when she fell 15 ft. out of her brothers' TREE HOUSE? (meaning it is IN. A. TREE.)!!! just four short days before she was supposed to be the flowergirl in her uncles wedding??? guess what!!! 911 that's what!!! the baby girl was the first to give me a ride in an ambulance!!! go figure!!! she went to the ER w/ a great concusion!!! and people, let me tell you from experience.....thank God EVERY day for your hard headed children!!!! i will never complain of mine being hard headed. anyway, everyday around here is something new...some days you wanna laugh at everything, and some days like today, when the toilet ran...and ran and ran and ran for like an hour and Jake informed me the toilet "ran over"? WRONG!!! it flooded is what it did!!! all you wanna do is cry!!! i got it up!!! Jake's lesson for the day "how to get up massive amounts of water in record time" . that will come in handy one day, and lucky for him he got to see how a woman would do it!!!! man, my friend is so gonna be sorry she introduced me to this!!! i DO NOT know how to make a llllloooonnnnngggggggg story short!!!!!