Moma and daddy had gotten there just seconds before we did and daddy was coming out telling me to go in and try to talk to him because he thought he was gone. I rushed in and grabbed his neck. He was gone. I grabbed a towel and wrapped around him and held him for nearly an hour until they made me let him go to take him away from us. That was our time there in the dark with only the light from the full moon and the security lights outside. I needed it. Moma brought the kids in and I grabbed their hands and let them touch his still warm neck and head. That calmed them completely and from then on they were fine. A peace came over them.
We had his funeral on Wednesday. I was able to let everyone hear the voice recording I was sneaky enough to get while he was at my house one day. After he told his story of the black cat and the hat, we played "Grandpa, tell me bout the good ol days" by the Judd's. He also had Old Rugged Cross by Alan Jackson and Go Rest High by Vince Gill. I wrote several things about him and a story about me and him. It was a very good funeral and there were many people in attendance. I was so proud. I sat with uncle Glynn. I wanted to be close to him because it made me feel close to Theron. His casket was absolutely beautiful, made from wood from an old barn built by the Amish. The inside had and old barn and farm scene. It was Perfect for him.
The weather could not have been more beautiful. He kept saying he didn't care how he got out of that bed, he just wanted to get out. He wanted to be outside and the day he got outside it was gorgeous. After his funeral we decided it was the perfect time to plant the potatoes. 9 rows went in the ground that day. He would be proud of that. I believe he had a hand in that weather. Nothin but sun with a touch of wind. Perfection.
One of the toughest things about this week has been me wanting to pick up the phone and call him to tell him something or go to his house and tell him we got the potatoes planted or how it's been raining or about the weather or just see how he's doing :(. The kids miss him a lot. We will get through this. He's still with us just not here.