Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i just had to add this picture in.
ben loves cows like he loveS fishing and airplanes. everytime we drive by a field w/ lots of cows standing by the fence, ben will yell "HEY BEN'S FRIENDS!!"

this was a small letterbox! it had a donald duck stamp in it!
and the one below was in the park and it was placed by "steel magnolia"
we got eat up by misquitos so we had to be quick and sneaky!!

well, the day didn't go completely as planned. it started off the same; got berries picked, got them delivered, headed to tifton with picnic in tow and then things started to change a little. i had a dull headache since i got up and it only got worse.
i couldn't catch up w/ my friend to go swim (she has three kids, too, not sure why we couldn't hook up?? haha)

so the kids and i went to look for letterboxes. we found two. this time i gave the clues to jake and ben and let them look for them. they were both really easy to find. one was under the stairwell at a motel and the other in a thick bush beside a magnolia tree in the park. i'm ready to look for some more and we're also ready to make one of my own!!! i already have a great spot for it!! looking for them when we go to the beach is gonna be lots of fun, too.

before we went on our little hunting adventure we stopped by the dollar tree (gotta love that store!!) we got new coloing books for the babes (and me too, they absolutely love it when you do something as simple as color with them) ((ben asked me today if when he dies one day, can he take his color crayons and books with him!!! how sweet is that??)) anyway, they also got some stamp kits that included a stamp book, ink pad, stickers, and like 8 cute little stamps!!! for only $1!! went to get back in the car and i cracked rivers in the face w/ the corner of the door and she let out a scream! not an i'm pi$$** scream...she was injured!!! i felt so bad cause i knew when it happened that it hurt and now she has a bruise on her face. i'm a child abruiser!! loved her and said the word "park" and we were good to go!

i got cute pictures of our little adventures today and i hope some of you will check this letterboxing out. i can't believe we never heard of it til now! well, ttyl!! we'll have some interesting stuff to talk about tomorrow...first haircut for the queen, dentist appt. for the BIG baby (jake), and a few errands. should be fun! as long as no headache presents itself. think i'll just take myself to the emergency room and tell them to admit me!

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