Tuesday, May 25, 2010

just a quick trip to the ER!!!

yeah right!
okay, so yesterday i thought i was having a heart attact!? seriously.
i discovered after having 3 c-sections that i obviously have a very high tolerance of pain and yesteday afternoon at about 3:30, i found out just how much pain i can stand......while the thoughts of dialing 911 danced in my head, i was searching for the key to the gun cabinet.....that's how bad it got. i figured the only thing that was gonna stop the pain that quick was a bullet!
after no luck in finding the key, i scampered out onto the front porch just in time for map to see the phone in my hand, me bent over the railing and crying. (p.s.-for all of you that don't know me, the gun bit was just a joke.....unless the pain comes back! ;)   ) map rushed over to see what was going on and like a flash of lightening and a poof we were at the hospital!  hallelujah!!! and then the pain was gone!! just as me and all my glory, lookin like a trailer park queen, breezed into triage! what up with that!! then i got to sit for like hhmmmmmmm 2 HOURS!! got put in the back in one of the emergent care rooms, (apparently all you have to do is go in there at 33 years of age and say you are having severe chest pains and you get THE ROYAL TREATMENT!) had every test done in the book and was hooked to EVERY machine back there and then at about 8:45 we came to the conclusion that i could possibly have a problem with my gall bladdar!? hallelujah again.....notsomuch that it was my gallbladdar but that it WAS NOT my heart! i'm not scared of dieing but i'm not ready to leave my babies. they were so worried about me. no matter how i tried to hide my pain yesterday, they saw it all! and  they didn't get any explination of what was goin on and that just added to my anxiety. anyway, doc told me not to eat fatty foods, but this is how i look at it: since they put my untrasound off til friday, i figured taht i'll just go ahead and eat whatever i want and we'll see if we can speed up the process and just snatch that sucker out. the doc said all your gall bladdar does is break down fat....i told him by the looks of me that mine was obviously out of order!  so there's that!  so far today, so good. PTL!

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